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Machine Learning

Supervised Learning - Logistic Regression (multi-variable 1)

by emilia park 2023. 8. 5.

Logistic Regression : 주어진 입력에 따라 discrete 한 값을 예측

(=Binary Classification)

Linear : H(x) ∈ (-inf, inf)

Logistic : H(x) ∈ [0,1]


Hypothesis function 으로 logistic function (sigmoid function) 적용하여 regression 진행

입력에 따라서 0~1 사이 값 출력 

application) 메일의 스팸여부, 영화 감상 긍정/부정, 주식 종목 구분 등 



Step1) Hypothesis

Step2) Cost function 

Step3) Training - gradient descent method 



w/o min-max scaling

#load module
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


#input & label
x_input = np.array([[1, 1], [2, 1], [1, 2], [0.5, 4], [4, 1], [2.5, 2.3]], dtype= np.float32)
labels = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [1], [1], [1]], dtype= np.float32)

#weight and bias
W = np.random.normal(size=(2,1))
B = np.random.normal(size=(1,))


#Function Generation 
def Sigmoid(x): 
    return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))

def Hypothesis(x): 
    return Sigmoid(np.matmul(x, W) + B)

def Cost(): 
    return -np.mean(labels*np.log(Hypothesis(x_input)) + (1-labels)*np.log(1-Hypothesis(x_input)))

def Gradient(): 
    global W, B 
    delta = 5e-7
    #W gradient
    pres_W = W.copy()
    grad_W = np.zeros_like(W)
    for i in range(W.size):
        W[i,0] = pres_W[i,0] + delta
        cost_p = Cost()
        W[i,0] = pres_W[i,0] - delta
        cost_m = Cost() 
        grad_W[i,0] = (cost_p - cost_m)/(2*delta)
        W[i,0] = pres_W[i,0]
    #B gradient
    pres_B = B.copy()
    grad_B = np.zeros_like(B)  
    for i in range(B.size):
        B[i] = pres_B[i] + delta
        cost_p = Cost()
        B[i] = pres_B[i] - delta
        cost_m = Cost()
        grad_B[i] = (cost_p-cost_m)/(2*delta)
        B[i] = pres_B[i]
    return grad_W, grad_B

def Predict(x): 
    return Hypothesis((x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin))


epochs = 100000
lr = 0.5

training_idx = np.arange(0, epochs+1, 1)
cost_graph = np.zeros(epochs+1)
check = np.array([0, epochs*0.01, epochs*0.08, epochs*0.2, epochs*0.4, epochs])

W_trained = []
B_trained = []
check_idx = 1

for cnt in range(0, epochs+1):
    cost_graph[cnt] = Cost()
    if cnt % (epochs//10) == 0:
        print("[{:>6}] Cost = {:>10.4}, W = [{:>7.4} {:>7.4}], B = {:>7.4}".format(cnt, cost_graph[cnt], W[0,0], W[1,0], B[0]))
    if check[check_idx] == cnt:
        check_idx += 1
    grad_W, grad_B = Gradient() 
    W -= lr * grad_W
    B -= lr * grad_B

#Prediction (using input value)
Hx = Hypothesis(x_input).reshape(-1,)
H = [int(h>0.5) for h in Hx] #0,1 class

for i in range(x_input.shape[0]): 
    print("Input {} , Label : {} => Class :{:>2}(Pred:{:>5.2})".format(x_input[i], labels[i], H[i], Hx[i]))

#Prediction (using new value)
test_set = np.array([[1.5,1.5],[3.0,3.0],[4.0,2.0],[1.9,1.9]])

Hx = Hypothesis(test_set).reshape(-1,)
H = [int(h>0.5) for h in Hx] #0,1 class

for i in range(test_set.shape[0]): 
    print("Input {} => Class :{:>2}(Pred:{:>5.2})".format(test_set[i,:], H[i], Hx[i]))

#Cost function graph
plt.title("'Cost / Epochs' Graph")
plt.plot(training_idx, cost_graph)
plt.xlim(0, epochs)

# 구분선 그리기
x_decision = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(15, 11))
fig.suptitle("'Hypothesis / Training Count' Graph")

for ax_idx in range(check.size):
    W = W_trained[ax_idx]
    B = B_trained[ax_idx]
    y_decision = -(W[0] * x_decision + B[0])/W[1] 

    #   label의 값에 따라서 blue 또는 red 점 찍기
    for i in range(labels.shape[0]):
        if(labels[i][0] == 0):
            ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].scatter(x_input[i][0], x_input[i][1], color='blue')
            ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].scatter(x_input[i][0], x_input[i][1], color='red')
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].plot(x_decision, y_decision, label=' Decision Boundary', color='green')

    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_title("Epochs : {}".format(check[ax_idx]))
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_xlim((0, 5))
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_ylim((0, 5))
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_xlabel("x0")
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_ylabel("x1")
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].grid(True)
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].legend()





w/o min-max scaling

#load module
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


#input & label
x_input = tf.constant([[1, 1], [2, 1], [1, 2], [0.5, 4], [4, 1], [2.5, 2.3]], dtype= tf.float32)
labels = tf.constant([[0], [0], [0], [1], [1], [1]], dtype= tf.float32)

#weight and bias
W = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal((2,1)), dtype = tf.float32)
B = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal((1, )), dtype = tf.float32)


#Function Generation 

def Hypothesis(x): 
    return tf.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(x,W),B))

def Cost(): 
    return  -tf.reduce_mean(labels * tf.math.log(Hypothesis(x_input)) + 
    (1 - labels) * tf.math.log(1 - Hypothesis(x_input)))


epochs = 10000
lr = 0.01
opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate = lr) 

training_idx = np.arange(0, epochs+1, 1)
cost_graph = np.zeros(epochs+1)
check = np.array([0, epochs*0.01, epochs*0.08, epochs*0.2, epochs*0.4, epochs])

W_trained = []
B_trained = []
check_idx = 0

for cnt in range(0, epochs+1):
    cost_graph[cnt] = Cost()
    if cnt % (epochs//20) == 0:
        print("[{:>6}] Cost = {:>10.4}, W = [{:>7.4} {:>7.4}], B = {:>7.4}".format(cnt, cost_graph[cnt], W[0,0], W[1,0], B[0]))
    if check[check_idx] == cnt:
        check_idx += 1
    opt.minimize(Cost, [W,B])

#Prediction (using input value)
Hx = Hypothesis(x_input).numpy().reshape(-1,)
H = [int(h>0.5) for h in Hx] #0,1 class

for i in range(x_input.shape[0]): 
    print("Input {} , Label : {} => Class :{:>2}(Pred:{:>5.2})".format(x_input[i], labels[i], H[i], Hx[i]))

#Prediction (using new value)
test_set = tf.constant([[1.5,1.5],[3.0,3.0],[4.0,2.0],[1.9,1.9]], dtype = tf.float32)

Hx = Hypothesis(test_set).numpy().reshape(-1,)
H = [int(h>0.5) for h in Hx] #0,1 class

for i in range(test_set.shape[0]): 
    print("Input {} => Class :{:>2}(Pred:{:>5.2})".format(test_set[i,:], H[i], Hx[i]))

#Cost function graph
plt.title("'Cost / Epochs' Graph")
plt.plot(training_idx, cost_graph)
plt.xlim(0, epochs)

# 구분선 그리기
x_decision = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(15, 11))
fig.suptitle("'Hypothesis / Training Count' Graph")

for ax_idx in range(check.size):
    W = W_trained[ax_idx]
    B = B_trained[ax_idx]
    y_decision = -(W[0] * x_decision + B[0])/W[1] 

    #   label의 값에 따라서 blue 또는 red 점 찍기
    for i in range(labels.shape[0]):
        if(labels[i][0] == 0):
            ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].scatter(x_input[i][0], x_input[i][1], color='blue')
            ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].scatter(x_input[i][0], x_input[i][1], color='red')
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].plot(x_decision, y_decision, label=' Decision Boundary', color='green')

    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_title("Epochs : {}".format(check[ax_idx]))
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_xlim((0, 5))
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_ylim((0, 5))
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_xlabel("x0")
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].set_ylabel("x1")
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].grid(True)
    ax[ax_idx // 3][ax_idx % 3].legend()
